In science, what kind of ideas are generally accepted?

facts (or ideas that have been proved through years of usage).

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In science, ideas that are generally accepted are those that are supported by empirical evidence, consistent with existing scientific theories and models, and subjected to rigorous testing and peer review. Here's how scientists determine if an idea is generally accepted:

1. Empirical Evidence: Scientific ideas should be based on evidence obtained through observation, measurement, and experimentation. Scientists gather data to support or refute hypotheses, theories, or proposed explanations.

2. Consistency with Existing Theories and Models: Ideas are more likely to be accepted if they are compatible with established scientific theories and models. Consistency with existing knowledge helps build a coherent and unified understanding of the natural world.

3. Testing and Validation: Science relies on rigorous testing and experimentation to verify or falsify ideas. Hypotheses and theories undergo repeated observation, experimentation, and analysis to determine their validity.

4. Peer Review: Before an idea becomes generally accepted, it undergoes scrutiny by the scientific community through a process called peer review. Experts in the relevant field critically evaluate the evidence, methodologies, and conclusions to ensure the quality and validity of scientific claims.

5. Replication: Multiple independent studies that yield consistent results strengthen the confidence in an idea. Replication by different researchers helps to establish the reliability and robustness of scientific findings.

It's important to note that science is a self-correcting process, and ideas can change with the emergence of new evidence or advancements in knowledge. Scientific consensus on a particular idea may evolve over time as new information becomes available.