To the nearest ten (rounding), a jar contains 60 marbles. What is the least number of marbles that can be in the jar? What is the greatest number?

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It's actually third grade math. They are learning to round up or down numbers to the tens. So the problem regarding the 60 marbles is to determine if you would round up or down the number 60. I am thinking that since it's already a value of 10, that the least and greatest number of marbles would be the 60 as the answer. Thanks

To find the least and greatest number of marbles in the jar, we need to consider rounding to the nearest ten.

To round to the nearest ten, we look at the digit in the ones place. If it is 5 or greater, we round up, and if it is less than 5, we round down.

In this case, since we want to round to the nearest ten, we look at the digit in the tens place.

To find the least number of marbles, we round down. So, if the jar contains 60 marbles, we know it is already rounded to the nearest ten, and the least number of marbles in the jar is 60.

To find the greatest number of marbles, we round up. Since the digit in the tens place is 6, which is 5 or greater, we round it up. Therefore, the greatest number of marbles that can be in the jar is obtained by rounding up to the nearest ten, which is 70.

So, the least number of marbles in the jar is 60, and the greatest number is 70.