In "Great Expectations", what are Pip's three expectations?

I am thinking that his first expectation might be being a blacksmith like Joe. His second could be becoming a gentleman. The third could be his adult life. I'm just not sure, and I feel like I am guessing.

Thanks to anyone who tries to help.

I already looked on sparknotes.



This article may help you.

I'm sorry, that just helped explain the plot.

The problem is that I need to write 3 journals about this:

1- What does Pip learn in the first "expectation" of his life? How is this helpful to him, both at the time he learns it and later on in the novel?
2- What does Pip's second "expectation" cause him to loose? Why?
3- How does Pip's adult life (or the third "expectation") resolve the issues left over from the first two.

I would have no problem answering the questions if I could just figure out what the three expectations are.

Should I just explain my view of each expectation at the beginning of each journal and then continue the explanation?

Thanks for all your help.

The Wikipedia article discusses each of the three "expectation" periods in the novel.

Thanks so much for all your help everyone. I really appreciate it. I think I've got it all figured out now.

Great! And you're very welcome. :-)

In "Great Expectations," Pip has three major expectations or hopes for his future. However, I want to note that interpretation can vary, and different readers may analyze Pip's expectations in slightly different ways. But generally speaking, Pip's three expectations can be identified as follows:

1. Becoming a Blacksmith: At the beginning of the novel, Pip is an orphan living with his sister and her blacksmith husband, Joe Gargery. Pip initially expects to follow in Joe's footsteps and become a blacksmith himself, believing it to be his destined profession.

2. Becoming a Gentleman: One of the pivotal moments in Pip's life is when he is visited by a mysterious benefactor who provides him with the opportunity to leave his humble village and pursue a new life in London. This sudden change of fortune ignites Pip's second expectation, which is to become a gentleman. He yearns for social status, education, refinement, and ultimately to no longer be seen as common or lowly.

3. Finding Love and Happiness: Alongside his desire for social advancement, Pip also has an underlying expectation to find love and happiness in his adult life. He develops a deep infatuation with Estella, a girl he meets at Miss Havisham's decaying mansion. Pip hopes to win Estella's heart, but this desire for love and companionship extends beyond his romantic interest in her. Pip's ultimate expectation is to find fulfillment and contentment in his relationships and personal life.

To obtain a more detailed understanding and specific analysis of Pip's expectations, it's recommended to read the text and explore literary criticism and interpretation.