Is there any other reason Mama gives Walter the money in Act II, Scene II of A Raisin in the Sun besides that she loves him and she trusts him?

She gives him the money after he has not been going to work and has been out drinking. She realizes he feels worthless and she feels guilty for his unhappiness. Can she trust him? Does he deposit the funds for B's education as Mama asks?

Thanks. No, she was wrong to trust him because he doesn't use the money as she asked.

To determine if there is any other reason Mama gives Walter the money in Act II, Scene II of A Raisin in the Sun besides love and trust, you can analyze the text and context of the play. Here's a step-by-step process to find the answer:

1. Read the dialogue: Go through Act II, Scene II carefully to understand the conversations between Mama and Walter. Pay attention to any specific statements or hints that may suggest an additional reason for Mama giving him the money.

2. Examine character motivations: Consider the motivations of both Mama and Walter. Think about their personal goals, desires, and struggles throughout the play. How do these motivations align or conflict with each other?

3. Analyze the stage directions: Look for any stage directions or descriptions in the script that might give further insight into Mama's decision. These directions can provide valuable clues about the characters' emotions, actions, and intentions.

4. Consider previous events: Reflect on the events leading up to Act II, Scene II. Are there any circumstances or conflicts that might influence Mama's decision to give Walter the money? Remember to consider the themes and conflicts explored in the play, such as racial discrimination, dreams, and the importance of family.

5. Explore the historical and social context: Understand the historical and social context of the play, as well as the experiences of African Americans during that time period. This knowledge can help you analyze Mama's decision in a broader context, considering factors such as economic challenges and societal expectations.

By following these steps and thoroughly examining the text, character motivations, stage directions, and contextual factors, you should be able to determine if there is any other reason for Mama giving Walter the money besides love and trust.