For a snow sculpture content, snow is packed into a cube-shaped box with an edge of 8 feet. The box is frozen and removed, leaving a cube of snow. One cubic foot of snow weighs about 30 pounds. You can estimate the weight ( in pounds) of the cube using the expression 30v where v is the volume (in cubic feet) of the snow. About how much does the uncarved cube weigh?

A. 240 lbs B. 1920lbs C. 15,360 lbs D.216,000

Help me i don't understand the question

The cube of snow has a volume of 8by8by8 = 512 cubic feet

One cubic foot weighs 30 lbs, so 512 cu feet weigh
512 x 30 = 15360 lbs

wait, how do you know its 8by8by8? can you explain it to me please

by definition a "cube" has 6 equal square faces

Sure! Let's break down the problem step by step.

First, we are given that the snow is packed into a cube-shaped box with an edge of 8 feet. This means that each side of the cube has a length of 8 feet.

To find the volume of a cube, we need to multiply the length of one side by itself three times (since a cube has three equal length sides).

So, the volume of the cube can be calculated as follows:
Volume = (side length)^3
= (8 ft)^3
= 8 ft * 8 ft * 8 ft
= 512 cubic feet

Now that we have the volume of the cube, we can calculate its weight.

One cubic foot of snow weighs about 30 pounds, as stated in the question. So, to find the weight of the entire cube, we can multiply the volume of the cube (in cubic feet) by the weight of one cubic foot of snow.

Weight of the cube = Volume of the cube * Weight of one cubic foot of snow
= 512 cubic feet * 30 pounds
= 15,360 pounds

Therefore, the weight of the uncarved cube is estimated to be approximately 15,360 pounds.

So, the answer to the question is C. 15,360 lbs.