can someone check my work?

x^2 = 22

if x^2 is 22, then x is +- sqrt 22

To solve the quadratic equation x^2 = 22, you can take the square root of both sides.

√(x^2) = √(22)

Since the square root can have both positive and negative solutions, we have two cases:

Case 1: Positive solution:
x = √(22)

Case 2: Negative solution:
x = -√(22)

Now, let's check your work for the second equation x�ãx-22:

To check if x^2 = 22 satisfies the equation x�ãx-22, we substitute the values of x into the equation and see if it holds true.

For the positive solution x = √(22):

√(22) * √(22) - √(22) - 22

= 22 - √(22) - 22

= - √(22)

For the negative solution x = -√(22):

-√(22) * -√(22) - (-√(22)) - 22

= 22 + √(22) - 22

= √(22)

It looks like you made an error in your calculation. The correct equation x�ãx-22 would be:

x^2 - x - 22

I would recommend revisiting the problem and double-checking your work.