what are the most common careers in ireland?

Accordiing to the source linked below, Ireland's workforce is divided as follows.

agriculture: 8%
industry: 29%
services: 64% (2002 est.)


Industry means meanufacturing, which includes engineers, managers, and production workers. Services includes education, health care, information services, police officers, social workers, and retail clerks.

To find information on the most common careers in Ireland, you can refer to reliable sources such as government publications and statistical reports. One such source is the CIA World Factbook, which provides data on various aspects of countries, including their economic profiles.

In the case of Ireland, according to the CIA World Factbook, the country's workforce is divided into three main sectors: agriculture, industry, and services. In terms of their respective percentages in the workforce, agriculture accounts for 8%, industry accounts for 29%, and services account for 64% (as of 2002).

The services sector encompasses a wide range of occupations, including but not limited to education, healthcare, information services, law enforcement, social work, and retail. On the other hand, the industry sector includes professions related to manufacturing, such as engineers, managers, and production workers.

By referring to such sources, you can obtain reliable information on the distribution of various careers within a country's workforce.

The most common careers in Ireland can be categorized into the following sectors:

1. Agriculture: Although a smaller portion of the workforce, careers in agriculture include farming, animal husbandry, and agronomy.

2. Industry: This sector encompasses manufacturing and includes various careers such as engineers, managers, technicians, and production workers. Industries in Ireland range from pharmaceuticals and medical devices to technology and electronics.

3. Services: The largest sector in terms of employment, the service industry in Ireland covers a wide range of careers. This sector includes education, healthcare, information services, police officers, social workers, retail clerks, hospitality and tourism, financial services, and more.

It's important to note that these figures are based on data from the CIA World Factbook for Ireland and can change over time as the economy and job market evolve.