I need a Mission statment for wal-mart

Check these sites for both a short and a longer mission statements.


http://faculty.uwstout.edu/adekolaa/STRAMGT/powerpoints/Wal-Mart%20-%202000.ppt#260,5,Slide 5

To find a mission statement for Walmart, you can follow these steps:

1. Go to the website http://www.businessplans.org/Mission.html.
2. Look for a section or page on the website that provides mission statements.
3. Look for the mission statement of Walmart on that page or section.


4. Go to the website http://faculty.uwstout.edu/adekolaa/STRAMGT/powerpoints/Wal-Mart%20-%202000.ppt.
5. Look for the PowerPoint presentation titled "Wal-Mart - 2000.ppt."
6. Open the presentation and navigate to Slide 5.
7. Find the mission statement of Walmart on Slide 5.

By following these steps and accessing the provided websites, you should be able to find both a short and a longer mission statement for Walmart.