My teacher asked us to write a poem in the style of Langston Hughes' poem Theme for English B, and I don't see a style.

I reread several of Hughes' poems. He used short lines and short words. Some had rhyme schemes, but many did not. He also wrote about the plight of and discrimination against African-Americans. I suggest you use this topic and write a poem with short lines and short, direct words.

Thank you

You're welcome! It sounds like you have a good start in understanding Langston Hughes' style and themes. To write a poem in the style of "Theme for English B," here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Read and analyze "Theme for English B" again: Pay attention to the structure, tone, and themes explored in the poem. Look for specific literary devices or techniques that Hughes used to convey his message.

2. Identify key elements of Hughes' style: As you've mentioned, Hughes often used short lines and simple, direct words. He didn't always rely on strict rhyme schemes, so you have the freedom to explore various rhyming patterns or forgo rhyme altogether.

3. Reflect on the plight of African-Americans: Hughes addressed the struggles and discrimination faced by African-Americans in his poems. Incorporate this theme in your own poem by exploring experiences or emotions related to this topic. Consider how you can express your thoughts and feelings on this issue through your poem.

4. Use short lines and direct language: Emulate Hughes' style by opting for concise lines that capture the essence of your message. Utilize simple, direct words that communicate your thoughts clearly.

5. Experiment with rhyme and rhythm (optional): While Hughes didn't always adhere to a specific rhyme scheme, you can choose to include rhymes if it enhances your poem. Explore different patterns or experiment with rhythm to create a unique cadence in your writing.

6. Revise and refine: Once you've written your poem, take the time to revise and refine it. Read it aloud to ensure it flows smoothly and resonates with the emotions you want to convey. Consider seeking feedback from peers or your teacher to gain further insights and make necessary improvements.

Remember, while you're aiming to write in the style of Langston Hughes, don't be afraid to let your own voice shine through. Good luck with your poem!