What is the value of a in terms of b?


Divide both sides of that equation by 3b to get an equation with only a on one side. Convert the 6/3 to a 2.

ab =2
a =2/b

Well, if we divide the equation 3ab=6 by 3b, we get ab=2. So, the value of a in terms of b would be a=2/b. It's as simple as sharing a joke and splitting the bill!

To solve for the value of a in terms of b, you can divide both sides of the equation 3ab=6 by 3b. By doing this, you eliminate the term 3b on the left side of the equation, leaving only a on that side.

Dividing both sides of the equation by 3b gives:

(3ab)/(3b) = 6/(3b)

Simplifying the left side of the equation, the 3's cancel out:

a = 2/b

Therefore, the value of a in terms of b is 2/b.

To find the value of a in terms of b, you can start by dividing both sides of the equation 3ab=6 by 3b. This will eliminate the 3b on the left side, leaving you with just a on that side.

Dividing both sides of the equation by 3b, we get:

(3ab)/(3b) = (6)/(3b)

The 3b on the left side cancels out, and the 6 on the right side can be simplified to 2:

a = 2/(3b)

Therefore, the value of a in terms of b is a = 2/b.