You're a famous movie producer. Large historical epics have become very popular, and you want to get in on the action. You need to develop a proposal to "pitch" to a movie studio. But what hasn't been done? Ben-Hur and Spartacus were big hits in the 1950s, and now seems the right time for a comeback of these blockbuster epics.

You decide that the "postclassical" period, 450-1450, has many possibilities. The movie, to be successful, has to have conflict and action and be historically authentic.

So, you have to develop this proposal, developing a movie epic of events or actions in any part of the world during this period. Your proposal to the movie studio must include the following:

Historical background and documentation: the actual events/civilizations that inspired this, including references to the Stearns text and one other legitimate resource for historical information
Location/Setting: where this movie will be filmed, and why that particular location is necessary, and how it reflects the topography of the region
Cast: how many, representing which groups, characters
Plot: events, relationships, action, conflicts, emotion, life and death
Costumes: what people wore, how they lived (houses, food, labor), law and order
Potential market: why you think such a movie would be popular.
We're after a movie with historical authenticity!

Movie studio executives see a large number of proposals, so yours needs to be outstanding to catch their eye. A TWO TO FOUR PAGE proposal should provide sufficient detail for them to get a good idea. Remember, studio executives may not be history buffs, so explain it clearly

Here are some ideas --
Fall of the Roman Empire
One of the Crusades
Devastation of the Black Death
Viking raids
Vikings find North America

Title: "Crossroads of Conquest: The Rise and Fall of the Byzantine Empire"

Historical Background and Documentation:
"Crossroads of Conquest" is inspired by the captivating events and civilizations during the postclassical period, specifically focused on the Byzantine Empire (450-1450). The proposal draws upon reputable historical sources, including the book "World Civilizations: The Global Experience" by Peter N. Stearns, along with additional research from the Byzantine Empire's primary sources.

The movie will be primarily filmed in Istanbul, Turkey, formerly known as Constantinople, the epicenter of the Byzantine Empire. Istanbul provides an authentic and visually stunning backdrop, as it comprises remnants of ancient Byzantine structures, such as the Hagia Sophia, the Hippodrome, and the Theodosian Walls. The city's topography showcases the strategic location and naval power of the Byzantine capital, Elaborate set designs and CGI will be employed to recreate the historical ambiance.

The movie will feature a diverse cast, representing the various social groups and characters intrinsic to the Byzantine Empire. This would include aristocrats, emperors, scholars, Byzantine soldiers, religious leaders, and various individuals from the empire's multicultural society. The aim is to encompass the diverse ethnicities and backgrounds that contributed to the empire's identity.

"Crossroads of Conquest" weaves a compelling narrative, intertwining the political intrigues, epic battles, and cultural conflicts that shaped the Byzantine Empire. The story follows the protagonist, a Byzantine noble's son, as he experiences the ebb and flow of the empire from its early years to its eventual downfall.

The plot explores the protagonist's journey through the key historical events, such as the reign of Justinian and Theodora, the Byzantine-Sassanian Wars, the Iconoclastic Controversy, and the Fourth Crusade. It delves deep into relationships, highlighting the tensions between emperors and their subordinates, the influence of the Orthodox Church, and the complex dynamics of the empire's various ethnic groups. The narrative balances grand battles with personal quests for power, love, and redemption, captivating the audience emotionally.

The movie prioritizes historical accuracy, ensuring that costumes reflect the fashion trends of the Byzantine Empire. Rich fabrics, vibrant colors, and intricate designs will be employed, showcasing the hierarchy and social status through attire. The portrayal of the empire's architecture, including palaces, churches, and cities, will offer insight into daily life, while the portrayal of food, labor, and law and order will further enhance the authenticity.

Potential Market:
"Crossroads of Conquest" holds immense potential in the market due to its combination of historical authenticity and the universal appeal of conflict and action. By bringing to life a lesser-explored era in cinema, the movie sets itself apart from recent historical epics, resonating with audiences hungry for fresh narratives. Simultaneously, the vast popularity of historical dramas, the successful resurgence of period epics, and the thriving interest in medieval and ancient civilizations will undoubtedly attract a broad demographic, expanding the movie's audience reach.

"Crossroads of Conquest: The Rise and Fall of the Byzantine Empire" offers a captivating journey through a lesser-known but incredibly significant historical period. The film's commitment to historical authenticity, the visually stunning setting, a diverse cast, and a compelling plot filled with conflicts, emotions, life and death, and intricate interpersonal relationships will ensure its appeal to a wide audience. By providing a thoroughly researched and unique cinematic experience, "Crossroads of Conquest" promises to be a groundbreaking and celebrated addition to the historical epic genre.