(a-y)+2y3,if a= 2 and y= -3

(2--3)2 + 2(-3)3
(5)2 + (-6)3
25 + -216
-191 either im wrong somewhere or my book doesnt have that answer my choices are -29,43,79,-53

I am assuming that by 2(-3)3 you mean
you did not follow the order of operation which says exponents before multiplying

that part should then be

so your last line is

25 + (-54)
= -29

To evaluate the expression (a-y) + 2y^3 when a = 2 and y = -3, follow these steps:

1. Replace the variables with their respective values:
(2 - (-3)) + 2(-3)^3

2. Simplify the expression inside the brackets:
(2 + 3) + 2(-3)^3

3. Solve any exponents first:
(2 + 3) + 2(-27)

4. Perform the multiplication:
5 + (-54)

5. Add the numbers together:

So, the value of the expression is -49. It seems there was an error in your calculation. Double-check your work to ensure accuracy.