can somenone please check my answer and if i'm doing it right....

The sum of a number and 17 more than twice the same number is 101.

N+17(2)=101 N=67?

N + (2N +17)= 101
3N = 84
Take it from there


To check your answer, we need to substitute the value of N back into the original equation and see if it holds true. Let's solve it step by step:

Original equation: N + (2N + 17) = 101

Substituting N = 67 into the equation:

67 + (2 * 67 + 17) = 101
67 + (134 + 17) = 101
67 + 151 = 101
218 = 101

This statement is not true, which means your answer, N = 67, is not correct.

So, let's solve the equation correctly:

N + (2N + 17) = 101

We can simplify it by combining like terms:

3N + 17 = 101

Now, subtract 17 from both sides of the equation to isolate 3N:

3N = 101 - 17
3N = 84

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 3 to solve for N:

N = 84 / 3
N = 28

Therefore, the correct value of N is 28.