Solve for x:








x=11/2 or 5 1/2

is my method correct? and I need assitance checking my answer. Thanks for your help!

You need to use more parentheses to clarify your problem. I don't see how you went from a constant of 6 to 5 in the first two steps:

5/x+6+ 2/(x^2+7x+6)= 3/(x+1)

5/x+5+ 2/(x+6)(x+1) =3/(x+1)

You seem to have left out "+" in the x1 term of the third equation.

It's too full of typos to decipher, but most of your steps seem correctly done.

To solve the equation:

5/x+6 + 2/x^2+7x+6 = 3/x+1

We can follow these steps:

Step 1: Combine the fractions on the left side by finding a common denominator.
5/x + 6 = (5(x+1))/(x(x+1)) = (5x+5)/(x(x+1))

Step 2: Combine the fractions on the right side by finding a common denominator.
3/(x+1) = (3x+3)/(x(x+1))

Now the equation becomes:
(5x+5)/(x(x+1)) + 2/(x^2+7x+6) = (3x+3)/(x(x+1))

Step 3: Combine the fractions on the right side.
Multiply the second term by (x+1)/(x+1) to have a common denominator:
2/(x^2+7x+6) = 2/(x+1)(x+6)

Now the equation becomes:
(5x+5)/(x(x+1)) + 2/(x+1)(x+6) = (3x+3)/(x(x+1))

Step 4: Find a common denominator for both fractions on the left side.
Multiply the first term by (x+6)/(x+6) to have a common denominator:
(5x+5)/(x(x+1)) = (5x+5)/(x(x+1))

Now the equation becomes:
(5x+5)/(x(x+1)) + 2/(x+1)(x+6) = (3x+3)/(x(x+1))

Step 5: Combine the numerators on the left side.
(5x+5)/(x(x+1)) + 2/(x+1)(x+6) = (3x+3)/(x(x+1))

Now the equation becomes:
(5x+5 + 2)/(x(x+1)(x+6) = (3x+3)/(x(x+1))

Step 6: Simplify both sides of the equation.
(5x+7)/(x(x+1)(x+6)) = (3x+3)/(x(x+1))

Step 7: Multiply both sides of the equation by x(x+1) to eliminate the denominators.
[(5x+7)/(x(x+1)(x+6))] * x(x+1) = [(3x+3)/(x(x+1))] * x(x+1)

Step 8: Simplify and solve for x.
(5x+7)/(x+6) = (3x+3)

Step 9: Distribute and remove the parentheses.
5x+7 = 3x+3

Step 10: Subtract 3x from both sides.
5x-3x+7 = 3

Step 11: Subtract 7 from both sides.
2x = -4

Step 12: Divide both sides by 2 to solve for x.
x = -2

So the solution to the equation is x = -2.

To check the answer, substitute x=-2 into the original equation and see if both sides are equal:

LHS = 5/(-2)+6+2/((-2)^2+7(-2)+6) = -5/2 + 6 + 2/(-4-14+6) = -5/2 + 6 + 2/(-12) = -5/2 + 6 - 1/6 = -5/2 + 36/6 - 1/6 = -5/2 + 35/6 = -15/6 + 35/6 = 20/6 = 10/3

RHS = 3/(-2)+1 = -3/2 + 1 = -3/2 + 2/2 = -1/2

LHS = 10/3 ≠ RHS = -1/2

Since the left-hand side (LHS) is not equal to the right-hand side (RHS), the solution x = -2 is not a valid solution. There might be an error in the steps or calculations made above. Please review your work and double-check your solution.

However, there is a mistake in the step where you simplify the equation.

The correct simplification should be:

5(x + 1) + 2 = 3(x + 6)

To solve for x, let's simplify the equation further:

5x + 5 + 2 = 3x + 18

Combine like terms:

5x + 7 = 3x + 18

Subtract 3x from both sides:

5x - 3x + 7 = 3x - 3x + 18

2x + 7 = 18

Subtract 7 from both sides:

2x + 7 - 7 = 18 - 7

2x = 11

Divide by 2:

2x/2 = 11/2

x = 11/2

So the correct solution to the equation is x = 11/2 or x = 5.5

To check the answer, substitute the value of x back into the original equation and see if both sides of the equation are equal.