q = mass*specific heat water*(Tfinal-Tinitial) = ??.

mass is 32.0 g
Tfinal = 80.0
Tinitial = 25.0
You need to look up the specific heat of water and plug in the numbers. Solve for q. Post your work if you get stuck.

so does q equal 1760

what are the units?

q could be in calories, ergs, joules, kilojoules, BTU, or twenty other units.

I get about 7.3kJoules.

your 1760g*C somehow missed the specific heat multiplication.

To find the value of q, you need to multiply the given values of mass, specific heat of water, and the temperature difference (Tfinal - Tinitial). Let's plug in the given values and calculate q step by step:

Mass = 32.0 g
Tfinal = 80.0 °C
Tinitial = 25.0 °C

First, you need to look up the specific heat of water. The specific heat of water is approximately 4.18 J/g°C. Now, let's calculate q:

q = mass * specific heat water * (Tfinal - Tinitial)

q = 32.0 g * 4.18 J/g°C * (80.0 °C - 25.0 °C)

q = 32.0 g * 4.18 J/g°C * 55.0 °C

Now, perform the multiplication:

q = 7409.6 J°C

So, q is equal to 7409.6 J°C.

Note that the unit for q will depend on the units of mass, specific heat, and the temperature difference used in the calculation. In this case, since mass is given in grams and the specific heat is given in J/g°C, the unit for q is Joules (J).