which would measure more water,a "bath" or a "gallon"

see the section on capacities:


To determine which would measure more water, a "bath" or a "gallon," we need to understand their respective capacities.

A "bath" is a unit of measure used in ancient times. In the scripture you referred to, the "bath" mentioned is a type of liquid measure. However, the specific capacity of a "bath" is not provided in the scripture you mentioned. Therefore, we don't have a definite value to compare it to.

On the other hand, a "gallon" is a modern unit of volume commonly used for measuring liquids, especially in the United States. One gallon is equivalent to 128 fluid ounces or approximately 3.785 liters.

Given the lack of information about the specific capacity of a "bath" in the provided scripture, we can conclude that a "gallon" would generally measure more water since we know its precise capacity.