heres another problem can someone correct it for me...

find the median of:


This is what i did i place them in order from smallest to larger number then i made both sides equal so then i am left with two numbers in the middle wihich would be 23 and 26 so i added them up and divided them by 2 :

23+26/2 = 49/2 = 24.5 this would be my median.


Yes, the steps you followed to find the median are correct. Let me explain it in more detail.

To find the median, you need to first arrange the numbers in order from smallest to largest. In this case, the numbers are: 8, 10, 23, 26, 31, and 34.

Next, since there is an even number of values (6 in total), the median will be the average of the two middle numbers. In this case, the two middle numbers are 23 and 26.

To find the average (or mean) of these two numbers, you add them together and divide by 2. So, (23 + 26) / 2 = 49 / 2 = 24.5.

Therefore, 24.5 is your correct answer. The median of the given numbers is 24.5.