can any one tellme some ideas of things to do to advance along the way in this career change i am doing out side of going for my bachelors and maters degree.. Not sure where to start. I have thought about being a CNA to get my foot in the door someplace. People don't want to hire you with out one year experience so help me please with a mapping of what i should do.

Whatever college/university you are (or will be attending) has counselors/advisors who can advise you about what to do to achieve your career goals. Although they might not be available during the 4th of July week, seek out their help.

In a face-to-face situation, you will receive more personal attention and be able to immediately ask new questions that may occur to you.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

If you are looking to advance in your career without pursuing a bachelor's or master's degree, here are some steps you can consider:

1. Research Your Desired Field: Gain a thorough understanding of the field you want to pursue. Look into job descriptions, required skills, and qualifications to get an idea of what employers are looking for.

2. Networking: Build a strong professional network by attending industry events, joining relevant professional associations, and connecting with people online through platforms like LinkedIn. Networking can help you learn about job opportunities, gain insights, and make valuable connections.

3. Gain Relevant Experience: Since you mentioned becoming a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) to gain experience, it can be a good starting point. Look for entry-level positions or internships in your desired field where you can acquire hands-on experience and build your skills. This can include volunteer work, part-time jobs, or even shadowing someone in your desired role.

4. Skill Development: Identify the key skills required in your chosen career path and find ways to develop those skills. Online courses, workshops, certifications, or even self-study can help you enhance your knowledge and qualifications.

5. Research Job Openings: Regularly search for job openings in your desired field. Look for positions that offer growth opportunities or entry-level roles that align with your long-term career goals. Apply for relevant positions and tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight the skills and experiences you have obtained.

6. Seek Mentorship: Look for experienced professionals in your field who can provide guidance and mentorship. They can offer valuable insights, advice, and connections that can help you in your career journey.

7. Continuous Learning: Stay updated on the latest trends, technologies, and advancements in your industry. Industry publications, blogs, webinars, and podcasts can be great resources to expand your knowledge and demonstrate your commitment to professional growth.

Remember, every career path is unique, and it's essential to customize your journey based on your specific goals and circumstances. It may take time and perseverance, but with dedication and strategic planning, you can advance in your career without a bachelor's or master's degree.