Make a speech,Your md is 70year.

As Writeacher posted, we don't understand your question. What is md? What do you mean by 70year? Please clarify your question, and we'll be glad to help you.

If by "md" you mean "managing director" and you want help in drafting a speech for a managing director who is 70 years old, I can definitely assist you with that.

To begin crafting a speech, it's important to first gather information about the managing director. Consider their background, career achievements, contributions to the company, and any significant milestones they might have reached. This will help provide context and substance for your speech.

Next, you can structure the speech in a way that is meaningful and engaging. Here's a general outline to follow:

1. Introduction:
- Start with a captivating opening line or anecdote to grab the audience's attention.
- Introduce the managing director and establish their position and years of service in the company.
- Express gratitude for the opportunity to speak and acknowledge the presence of other key individuals or stakeholders in the audience.

2. Personal and professional achievements:
- Highlight the managing director's key accomplishments, such as successful projects, innovations, or revenue growth.
- Discuss their leadership style, vision, and how they have positively impacted the organization.
- Share any noteworthy milestones or challenges overcome during their tenure.

3. Inspirational anecdotes or stories:
- Include relatable stories or examples that showcase the managing director's values, work ethic, or dedication.
- Emphasize their commitment to excellence, teamwork, or fostering a positive work environment.
- Connect these stories to broader themes, such as perseverance, adaptability, or innovation.

4. Impact on the organization:
- Discuss how the managing director's leadership has shaped the company's culture, values, and overall success.
- Highlight specific initiatives, programs, or strategies implemented under their guidance.
- Share testimonials or feedback from employees, colleagues, or clients to showcase the director's influence.

5. Gratitude and well wishes:
- Express gratitude on behalf of the company for the managing director's contributions and dedication.
- Extend good wishes for their future endeavors, whether it's continued success, retirement, or any new ventures.
- Encourage the audience to join in expressing their appreciation.

6. Conclusion:
- End the speech on an uplifting and positive note, leaving the audience inspired and motivated.
- Consider a memorable quote, a call-to-action, or an invitation for everyone to show their appreciation.
- Thank the audience for their attention and conclude with a heartfelt closing line.

Remember to tailor the speech to fit the managing director's personality and the company culture. Make sure to review and revise the speech for grammar, clarity, and overall flow. Practice delivering it to ensure a confident and polished delivery.

I hope this guide helps you create a compelling speech for your managing director.