compare homer and virgil

Help! i need a few things that compare these two poets.

Homer wrote the Odyssey

Virgil wrote the Aeneid (sp?)

yeah i know but i need more examples.

Homepage of the Iliad, Odyssey, and AeneidThe page links together the Iliad, Odyssey, and the Aeneid. It tells about different events that lead to them and their authors.
(Broken Link Removed) - Homer And VirgilComparative Analysis of the Aeneid, Odyssey, and Iliad The Iliad and the Odyssey are two of the best Greek epics written by Homer. Despite their popularity ...

so there is nothing else that they have in common besides the fact that they both wrote those stories/poems???

Very little is known about these men personally. Therefore, there is very little focus in literary study about them as men. The focus is on their works.

The commonalities are that they both composed poetry (Homer, spoken; Vergil, written), including epic poems.

The differences are the obvious things, of course (different characters, settings, etc.), as well as the reasons for composing. The ancient Greek works were primarily storytelling. The Roman work was very deliberately written to connect Rome with what was then thought to be the best of the ancient Greek cultures.


Homer and Virgil were both famous poets from ancient times, known for their epic poems. Here are a few more things that compare the two poets:

1. Cultural Influence: Both Homer and Virgil had a significant impact on their respective cultures. Homer's poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey, are considered foundational works in Western literature and have influenced countless writers and artists throughout history. Similarly, Virgil's epic poem, the Aeneid, became the national epic of Rome and played a crucial role in shaping Roman identity.

2. Epic Poetry: Both Homer and Virgil wrote epic poems that tell grand stories. The Iliad and the Odyssey, written by Homer, focus on the Trojan War and the hero Odysseus' journey home, respectively. Virgil's Aeneid follows the journey of Aeneas, a Trojan hero, to Italy and the subsequent founding of Rome.

3. Heroic Characters: Both poets create heroic characters who face various challenges and trials. In the Iliad, Achilles and Hector are portrayed as legendary warriors representing different virtues and values. Odysseus is the central figure in the Odyssey, navigating a long and arduous journey back to his homeland. In the Aeneid, Aeneas embodies the ideal Roman values of duty, piety, and perseverance.

4. Themes and Motifs: Both poets explore themes of heroism, fate, the gods' influence, and the human condition. They depict the struggles and triumphs of their characters, emphasizing moral and ethical dilemmas, the power of destiny, and the consequences of human actions.

To delve deeper into the similarities and differences between these two poets, you can explore scholarly articles, critical analysis, and comparative studies written about their works.