These webpages on thesis statements should help you write a good one.
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Would this work for a thesis on a compare contrast essay?

Lady Macbeth and Ophelia both compare and contrast with their viewpoints and personalities.

Summer, please check out the post I just put up to your question. The above thesis is too vague, non specific. One characteristic you might look at is that Lady Macbeth is a very controlling lady; whereas, Ophelia is very easily led. Look at those sites I gave you for further ideas.

Thank you!

Yes, these webpages on thesis statements should help you write a good one for a compare and contrast essay on Lady Macbeth and Ophelia. Here are the steps you can follow:

1. Visit the provided webpages on thesis statements to gain a better understanding of how to write an effective thesis statement.

2. Read the information on these pages to learn about the characteristics of a strong thesis statement.

3. Analyze the prompt or essay question for your compare and contrast essay on Lady Macbeth and Ophelia.

4. Identify the main points of comparison and contrast between the two characters. In this case, you mentioned that their viewpoints and personalities are significant aspects to consider.

5. Consider the ways in which Lady Macbeth and Ophelia differ in their viewpoints and personalities. For example, you mentioned that Lady Macbeth is controlling, while Ophelia is easily led.

6. Combine these ideas to create a clear and concise thesis statement that highlights the main points of comparison and contrast between Lady Macbeth and Ophelia.

For example, your thesis statement could be: "While Lady Macbeth exhibits a controlling personality, Ophelia's easily influenced nature sets her apart, illustrating contrasting viewpoints and personalities in Shakespeare's plays."

By following these steps and utilizing the provided webpages, you should be able to create a strong thesis statement for your compare and contrast essay.

Yes, the provided webpages on thesis statements can be helpful in guiding you to write a good thesis statement for a compare and contrast essay on Lady Macbeth and Ophelia. The first step is to visit the provided links and read the information on thesis statements.

After familiarizing yourself with the general guidelines for writing a thesis statement, you can apply those principles to your specific topic. In this case, you want to compare and contrast Lady Macbeth and Ophelia in terms of their viewpoints and personalities.

To write a strong thesis statement, it is important to make it specific and focused. Instead of a vague statement like "Lady Macbeth and Ophelia both compare and contrast with their viewpoints and personalities," consider refining your thesis statement to highlight a specific aspect of their personalities or viewpoints that you will explore in your essay.

For example: "Despite their shared gender roles in Shakespeare's plays, Lady Macbeth's controlling nature contrasts with Ophelia's easily influenced personality."

By narrowing down your focus and using specific terms, your thesis statement becomes more precise and provides a clear direction for your compare and contrast essay. Remember to use the ideas and information you found on the provided webpages to further develop your thesis statement and gather supporting evidence for your essay.