The kinetic energy of a particle of mass M is found by taking one-half of the product?

I would like to see if a got the correct answer

My answer

...the product of mass and the square of velocity.

You are correct that the kinetic energy (KE) of a particle of mass M is given by taking one-half of the product of mass and the square of velocity. The correct equation is:

KE = (1/2) * M * v^2

- KE represents the kinetic energy of the particle,
- M is the mass of the particle,
- v is the velocity of the particle.

To obtain the kinetic energy, you need to follow these steps:

1. Determine the mass of the particle (M).
2. Measure or calculate the velocity of the particle (v).
3. Square the value of the velocity (v^2).
4. Multiply the squared velocity (v^2) by the mass (M).
5. Finally, multiply the product of mass and squared velocity by 1/2 to obtain the kinetic energy (KE).

Using the equation and these steps, you can find the correct value for the kinetic energy of the particle.