Add a prepositional phrase to clarify either to whom an item(s) belongs.

Cual es su problemas? (ella)

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Don't be confused! A prepositional phrase is often used to clarify "su" because it could mean "hers, his, your-formal-singular, their (masculine or feminine), you-all-formal-plural.

Here are the clarification phrases:
de él, de ella, de usted, de ellos, de ellas, de ustedes.

¿Cuál es su problema? (NOTE: It is impossible to have "problemas" plural if you begin with "Which IS....." The answer, in this case, would be "Es su problema de ella." or simply "Es de ella."

P.S. The other preposition phrases are:
mi problema = de mí
tu problema = de ti
nuestro problema = de nosotros
vuestro problema = de vosotros

I think you made a typo error in your question.

"su" (singular) does not go go with problemas (plural). It would have to be "sus problemas" or "su problem".

In any case, I agree with SraJMcgin's anwer

Make that "su problema", not "su problem". Sorry


To clarify to whom the items belong in the given sentence "Cual es su problemas? (ella)", you can add a prepositional phrase with "de ella" to indicate that the problems belong to her. The corrected sentence would then be "Cuál es su problema de ella?".

Here's how you can arrive at this answer:

1. Understand the meaning of the sentence: "Cuál es su problema?" translates to "What is your problem?". However, without any further context, it is not clear whose problem is being referred to.

2. Introduce a prepositional phrase: To clarify to whom the problem belongs, you can add the prepositional phrase "de ella" which means "of her".

3. Correct the pronoun agreement: In the original sentence, "problemas" is plural, but "su" is singular. To ensure agreement, change "problemas" to "problema" if you want to keep the singular form.

4. Formulate the revised sentence: Putting everything together, the revised sentence becomes "Cuál es su problema de ella?", which translates to "What is her problem?".

Note: It's important to mention that the use of prepositions can vary in different contexts and languages. The explanation provided above assumes a general understanding of prepositional phrases in Spanish to clarify ownership or attribution.

To clarify that the problem belongs to "ella," you can add the prepositional phrase "de ella."

For example:
- ¿Cuál es su problema? (de ella)
- ¿Cuál es el problema de ella?