Briefly describe the first five points of the project scope checklist in relation to your project

what are the project objective?
List the diliverables
Identify the Milestones of the project
List the technical requirements
what are the limits and exclusions:

Identify the project priorities
create a work breakdown structure
create a responsibility matrix

You'd better define your project first. We can't do that for you.

why do people do graffiti

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Graffiti is a form of expression and there are various reasons for someone to select this form of expression.


2. (the downside)

In any event graffiti provides maximum exposure!

One would wonder why this is under "project managaement!"

To briefly describe the first five points of the project scope checklist in relation to your project:

1. Project Objectives: These are the specific goals that you want to achieve with your project. To determine the project objectives, you need to clearly define what you want to accomplish and what success looks like for your project.

2. Deliverables: These are the tangible or intangible products, services, or results that need to be produced as a part of your project. It is important to identify and list all the deliverables to ensure that nothing is overlooked.

3. Milestones: These are key points or events in your project that mark important achievements or progress. By identifying and setting milestones, you can track the progress of your project and ensure that it is on schedule.

4. Technical Requirements: These are the specific technical specifications or standards that need to be met for your project. It includes any software, hardware, or other technical elements required to successfully complete the project.

5. Limits and Exclusions: These define the boundaries and constraints of the project. It specifies what is not included within the scope of the project, as well as any limitations or restrictions that need to be considered.

To identify project priorities, you need to determine which deliverables or objectives are the most important or have the highest priority. This can involve considering factors such as time, resources, budget, and strategic goals.

Creating a work breakdown structure (WBS) involves breaking down the project deliverables into smaller, manageable tasks or activities. This helps in organizing and planning the project activities, assigning responsibilities, and estimating the project timeline and resources needed.

A responsibility matrix, also known as a RACI matrix, helps in clarifying roles and responsibilities of project team members. It defines who is responsible (R) for a task, who is accountable (A) for its completion, who needs to be consulted (C), and who should be informed (I) about the progress. This matrix helps in ensuring clear communication and accountability within the project team.