Is it correct to say "apres il a fini, nous avons..."

or should it be
"apres il finissait, nous avons..."

No, I think it is more appropriate to say "apres qu'il a fini, nous avons..."
or it could be
" apres avoir fini, nouus avons..."

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Shym is correct, but don't forget the accents and the correct spelling! après avoir fini, nous avons....


P.S. If you use the conjunction "après que..." it will take the Indicative and not the Subjunctive. Be aware of the part of speech as "après" can be an adverb, or a preposition as well.

The correct way to say it is "apres avoir fini, nous avons...". This is because "apres" is a preposition, and when used with a verb in the past tense, it requires the infinitive form of the verb preceded by "avoir". Therefore, the correct phrase is "apres avoir fini" which means "after finishing" in English.

To answer this question, we need to look at the correct grammar usage. "Après" is a preposition that means "after." When you want to say "after he finishes," you would use the construction "après avoir fini."

To form this construction, you start with the preposition "après," then follow it with the verb "avoir" conjugated to match the subject (in this case, "he"). Finally, you add the past participle of the verb you want to use (in this case, "fini" meaning "finished").

So the correct way to say "after he finishes" would be "après avoir fini."

Therefore, the correct option is "Après avoir fini, nous avons..."