list three examples of things you see and use every d day that apply gas properties

I shall be happy to critique your thoughts.

Sure! To find three examples of things you see and use every day that apply gas properties, we can think about common items or situations that involve the characteristics of gases.

1. Balloons: A balloon is a familiar item that demonstrates gas properties. It is filled with a gas, typically helium or air, which expands to fill the balloon's volume. The gas inside the balloon exerts pressure on the balloon walls, causing it to inflate. This example highlights the gas property of expansion.

2. Gas stove: Many households use gas stoves for cooking. The burners on a gas stove rely on the combustion of natural gas, which is a mixture of hydrocarbon gases, to produce a flame. Natural gas is a perfect example of a fuel gas that can be controlled and burned to produce heat. This example emphasizes the gas property of combustion.

3. Automobile engine: Nearly every day, we encounter vehicles that run on fossil fuels. When a car engine combusts gasoline or diesel fuel, it converts the fuel into gases, mainly carbon dioxide and water vapor, through an internal combustion process. The expanding gases from this combustion force the pistons down, ultimately powering the vehicle forward. The auto engine demonstrates the properties of combustion and expansion.

Please note that these examples illustrate the application of gas properties in everyday life, but the specific gases involved may vary.