can someone solve these for me?

-3x - 9 > 12
4 - x >= -10
x + 3/4 >= 1/2
-2x > 10

To solve, treat inequalities just as you would equations. For example,




I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

Sure! I'd be happy to help you solve these inequalities step by step.

1. -3x - 9 > 12:
First, let's isolate the variable, "x", by moving the constant terms to the other side of the inequality.
-3x - 9 + 9 > 12 + 9
-3x > 21

Next, divide both sides of the inequality by -3. Remember that when you divide or multiply both sides of an inequality by a negative number, the direction of the inequality sign flips.
-3x / -3 < 21 / -3
x < -7

So, the solution for the inequality is x < -7.

2. 4 - x >= -10:
Similarly, we'll isolate the variable, "x":
4 - x - 4 >= -10 - 4
- x >= -14

Now, divide both sides of the inequality by -1. Since we are dividing by a negative number, the inequality sign reverses.
- x / -1 <= -14 / -1
x <= 14

Therefore, the solution for the inequality is x <= 14.

3. x + 3/4 >= 1/2:
Start by isolating the variable, "x":
x + 3/4 - 3/4 >= 1/2 - 3/4
x >= -1/4

So, the solution for the inequality is x >= -1/4.

4. -2x > 10:
To isolate the variable, "x", we need to divide both sides of the inequality by -2. Remember that when you divide or multiply both sides of an inequality by a negative number, the direction of the inequality sign flips.
-2x / -2 < 10 / -2
x < -5

Hence, the solution for the inequality is x < -5.

I hope this helps you understand how to solve these inequalities! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.