draw a table illustrating the number of edges, face, vertics each of the following solid have cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone, prism, pyramid, sphere.

I searched Google under the key words "geometric solids" to get these possible sources:

(Broken Link Removed)

In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search.

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To draw a table illustrating the number of edges, faces, and vertices for each of the following geometric solids, you can use the information provided by the sources I found:

Solid: Cube
Edges: 12
Faces: 6
Vertices: 8

Solid: Cuboid
Edges: 12
Faces: 6
Vertices: 8

Solid: Cylinder
Edges: 3 (2 curved edges and 1 flat edge)
Faces: 3 (2 curved faces and 1 flat face)
Vertices: 0

Solid: Cone
Edges: 1 curved edge
Faces: 2 (1 curved face and 1 flat face as the base)
Vertices: 1

Solid: Prism
Edges: Depends on the shape of the base and the number of faces
Faces: Depends on the shape of the base and the number of faces
Vertices: Depends on the shape of the base and the number of faces

Solid: Pyramid
Edges: Depends on the shape of the base and the number of faces
Faces: Depends on the shape of the base and the number of faces
Vertices: Depends on the shape of the base and the number of faces

Solid: Sphere
Edges: 0
Faces: 1 (curved surface)
Vertices: 0

I would recommend searching for images or diagrams of these solids to get a visual representation of their shapes, as it may help you understand the number of edges, faces, and vertices better.