For the past ten years, DWI has wanted to develop the lucrative Iraqi oil reserves for its exploration, drilling, refining, and transport division; DWI's Oil Division has been limited to Siberia and the South China Sea up to this date, and was precluded from entry into business in Iraq by United States law and U.N Sanctions.

Discuss whether the present situation in Iraq presents new opportunities for DWI to expand its market share into Iraq, the legal and ethical risks and benefits, both short term and long term, of attempting to do so, and identify the government(s) and/or organization(s) with whom DWI should deal should the company embark on a business venture in Iraq.

Also compare the American legal system to the international legal environment of business.

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Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. When you ask for help, please keep in mind that the abbreviation "DWI" is not used in context. If you don't explain what you mean by that term, here are some possibilities:

1. Drunk While Driving = DWI
2. Dutch West Indies = DWI
3. Drinking Water Inspectorate DWI in UK
4. Dance With Intensity = DWI
5. DWI Enterprises = manufactorer of conference-room furniture

To determine whether the present situation in Iraq presents new opportunities for DWI to expand into the Iraqi oil market, several factors need to be considered. These include the lifting of United States law and U.N Sanctions, the stability and security situation in Iraq, and the overall market conditions in the Iraqi oil industry.

Firstly, it is important to assess whether the United States law and U.N Sanctions have been lifted or modified. If these restrictions have been lifted, DWI would no longer be precluded from entering the Iraqi oil business. To find out if the restrictions have been lifted, you can research official government sources, news articles, and reports from reputable international organizations.

Next, evaluating the stability and security situation in Iraq is crucial. Iraq has faced significant political and security challenges in recent years. It is important for DWI to assess whether the situation has improved and whether it is stable enough for business operations. This can be done through analyzing reports and news articles about the current political and security situation in Iraq.

Additionally, understanding the market conditions in the Iraqi oil industry is essential. DWI needs to assess the demand for oil, the competition in the market, and the potential profitability of entering the Iraqi oil business. This can be done by researching industry reports, consulting with experts, and analyzing market trends and forecasts.

Regarding the legal and ethical risks and benefits of entering the Iraqi oil market, there are several factors to consider. On the legal side, DWI needs to ensure compliance with Iraqi laws and regulations, as well as international laws governing the oil industry. This can involve researching the legal framework in Iraq, consulting legal experts, and establishing relationships with local legal counsel.

Ethically, DWI needs to consider the environmental impact of its operations in Iraq, ensuring compliance with international environmental standards and minimizing any harm to the environment. DWI should also consider the social and cultural aspects of operating in Iraq and engaging with local communities in a respectful and responsible manner.

In terms of government or organizations to deal with in Iraq, DWI would likely need to engage with the Iraqi government, specifically the Ministry of Oil, as well as other relevant government agencies and regulatory bodies. It may also be beneficial to establish partnerships or joint ventures with local companies in Iraq to navigate the business landscape more effectively.

Comparing the American legal system to the international legal environment of business, there are some key differences. The American legal system is based on common law principles and is highly developed and sophisticated. It relies on statutory law, case law, and constitutional principles. It has a strong enforcement mechanism and a well-established judiciary system.

On the other hand, the international legal environment of business involves a diverse range of legal systems and frameworks. It is characterized by a mix of domestic laws, international treaties, and customary international law. Enforcement mechanisms and judicial systems can vary widely across different countries.

Additionally, international business transactions often require navigating multiple legal jurisdictions, which can add complexity and uncertainty. It is important for businesses to have a good understanding of the legal frameworks and cultural norms in the countries they operate in.

To compare the American legal system with the international legal environment of business, one can analyze the different sources of law, the enforcement mechanisms, the role of courts, the level of legal complexity, and the potential challenges and risks involved in cross-border transactions. Researching legal journals, academic writings, and case studies can provide insights into these comparisons.