It would depend on the word processor, on mine, it is through the Format menu.

If you are taking a word processing class, one of the first things you should have been taught is to have the Caps Lock key off.


It might already be on your tool bar. Align left symbol would look something like this:


I don't know if I can duplicate the align center symbol, but I will try.


I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

To access the center page command, you would typically find it in the "Format" menu of a word processor. In some word processors, it might also be available as an option on the toolbar or in a dedicated page layout menu. To locate it, you can follow these steps:

1. Open your word processor application.
2. Look for the main menu at the top of the screen.
3. Locate the "Format" menu.
4. Click on the "Format" menu to open it.
5. Look for options related to page layout or alignment.
6. Within those options, you should find the command to center the page.

Keep in mind that the exact location of this command may vary depending on your specific word processor application or version.