How is the process of drying clothes on a clothesline different than drying clothes in a dryer?


Just more heat in the dryer. It dries quicker because the fast moving hot air will hold more water vapor.

thank you

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help you understand the difference between drying clothes on a clothesline and using a dryer.

When clothes are dried on a clothesline, they are exposed to atmospheric air and sunlight. The evaporation of water from the clothes occurs due to the natural air circulation and heat from the sun. This process is relatively slower compared to using a dryer because it relies on ambient conditions and doesn't provide artificial heat to speed up the drying process.

On the other hand, using a dryer involves the use of a machine that generates hot air and rapidly circulates it around the clothes. The hot air absorbs the moisture from the clothes, which then turns into water vapor. The dryer expels this moist air, and the clothes continue to be exposed to the hot air until they are dry. The higher temperature and increased air movement inside the dryer enable faster evaporation, resulting in quicker drying times.

So, the key difference is that the dryer offers controlled heat and rapid air circulation, whereas clotheslines rely on natural air movement and the heat from the environment.