what is the square of 23?

when you have a linear fraction to graph what do you do?


"Remember, the square of a number is that number times itself."

So ... what is the square of 23?



To find the square of a number, you multiply the number by itself. In this case, to find the square of 23, you multiply 23 by 23.

23 * 23 = 529

Therefore, the square of 23 is 529.

For graphing a linear function, there are a few steps you can follow:

1. Start by plotting two points on the graph. Linear functions have a constant rate of change, so any two points on the line will do.

2. Once you have the two points, draw a straight line connecting them. This line represents the linear function.

3. You can also find the slope and y-intercept of the line. The slope is the rate of change of the line, and the y-intercept is the point where the line crosses the y-axis.

For more detailed instructions and examples, you can visit the link provided:

If you need additional resources or examples, you can also do a Google search using the keywords "graphing linear functions" for more information: