I don't get how to fill in the blanks

Show the products for cellular respiration by completing the following chemical reaction equation. Give the correct formula for oxygen as well

Glucose+_________ ---> ________+______+___________

To fill in the blanks and complete the chemical reaction equation for cellular respiration, we need to understand the overall process of cellular respiration. Cellular respiration is the process by which cells convert glucose and oxygen into carbon dioxide, water, and energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). The overall equation for cellular respiration is:

Glucose + Oxygen → Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy (ATP)

Now, let's fill in the blanks:

Glucose + Oxygen → Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy (ATP)

In the equation, we already have "Glucose" on the left side. Now, we need to find the reactant on the left side that combines with glucose. This reactant is "Oxygen." The formula for oxygen is "O2," indicating that oxygen exists as a diatomic molecule, with two oxygen atoms bonded together.

So far, we have:

Glucose + O2 → Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy (ATP)

Finally, to complete the equation, we need to determine the products on the right side. Cellular respiration produces "Carbon Dioxide" (CO2), "Water" (H2O), and "Energy" (ATP).

The final completed equation is:

Glucose + O2 → CO2 + H2O + ATP