<Thanks to computers, writing may soon become a lost art.>

Leo, a similar prediction is often made about arithmetic since the invention of the calculator.

in one of Isaac Asimov writings they discover a man who is actually able to perform an operation like 368 x 4821 with something called a pencil and paper.

My writng teacher said if I had a problem with typing than I can write it instead.

Today, typing may be a more important skill than writing. I certainly type much more than I write everyday. The only thing I hand-wrote today was my signature at the grocery store.

Thanks to computers, writing may soon become a lost art.

I noticed some time ago that I can't write a decent piece of text reasonable fast anymore (it becomes unreadable). So, we can already see the effects of almost exclusively using the keyboard to write text.

Who is Leo?

I apologize for any confusion, as an AI language model, I do not have context to identify who Leo may be in the context of the sentence provided in the prompt. The statement "Thanks to computers, writing may soon become a lost art" was made by an unknown speaker or author.

It is true that computers and technology have greatly influenced the way we communicate and write. While writing with a pencil and paper is still a valuable skill, the widespread use of computers has made typing a more important skill in today's digital age.

To understand why writing may become a lost art due to computers, we need to consider a few factors. Firstly, computers offer the convenience of word processing software, which allows us to easily edit, revise, and format our text. This makes the writing process more efficient and helps us produce polished and professional-looking documents.

Secondly, computers enable us to communicate and share our writing electronically through various platforms such as email, social media, and online publishing tools. This not only enhances the speed and reach of our written communication but also allows for collaboration and feedback from a wider audience.

Another factor is the increasing reliance on keyboards for text input. As you mentioned, you now find it difficult to write quickly and legibly with a pencil and paper. Typing has become the dominant method of text input for most people, as it offers speed, accuracy, and the ability to easily make corrections.

However, it's important to note that while computers have significantly impacted the way we write, writing itself is unlikely to become completely extinct. Writing with a pen or pencil can still be a personal and creative form of expression, and many people still value the tactile experience and artistic aspect of handwriting. Additionally, writing continues to be taught in schools and remains an important skill for certain professions and situations.

In conclusion, computers and technology have undoubtedly transformed the way we write, making typing more prevalent and convenient. While writing with a pen and paper may become less common in certain contexts, it is unlikely to completely disappear as it still holds value and has its own unique benefits.