How can you post this under Science?

The question is better asked in a grouping of adherents to magic, and fancy.

Explain the nature and use of Vril energy. What are some of the potential dangers and drawbacks of the use of Vril energy in modern technology?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Yes, absolutely NOT science! Try a Google Search for "Vril energy" and here is what I got:

To post under the Science category for this question, it would require an understanding of Vril energy and its potential scientific applications or implications. However, as you mentioned, Vril energy is more commonly associated with adherents to magic and fantasy, rather than with science. Therefore, it would be more appropriate to seek information and discussions about Vril energy in communities that specialize in magic, spirituality, or related topics.

To understand the nature and use of Vril energy, you can begin by conducting a search on the internet using keywords like "Vril energy" or "Vril power." This will provide you with various resources, articles, and discussions on the topic from different perspectives.

One of the resources that I found from the provided link discusses Vril energy from a more mystical perspective. Keep in mind that the information you may find could be based on speculative or fictional ideas rather than scientifically established concepts.

When it comes to potential dangers and drawbacks of using Vril energy in modern technology, it may be challenging to find scientific evidence or discussions since it is not a concept widely recognized or studied in scientific communities. However, you may come across speculative or fictional narratives that explore possible negative consequences or consequences within magical or fantasy contexts.

Remember, it is important to critically evaluate the information you find, especially when dealing with topics that are not supported by scientific consensus.