i need to write a question poem with 10 lines and that asks a lot of questions i have no ideas please help!

Pick a theme, then the questions, then put them in verse.

Theme Love
What is
how it began
where will it lead
how will it end and so on...

the verse:
What is love but fleeting time?
Why does it feel crushing, and yet simple sublime?
When did it capture me mind, my heart?
I know not, nor with logic can I see it end.
I know not when Love did start.
I know not Love's end in time.
I know not who scribes my part.
I know not how my life will mend.
But question I ask, and beg for truth, Is this verse, or Love, thine?

So the drill is pick a theme, think of questions, and start, revise, revise, and revise. It comes with practice. And patience. And thought.

We will be happy to offer comments on your work.

What am i doing here?
Am i not just wasting my time?
oh, you would think so wouldn't you?
but then again aren't you as well?
but could we all just be a little crazy?
can i just keep asking these questions?
why don't i answer myself?
oh and why, am i asking you?
why don't you give it a try?


Great job! You have successfully created a question poem with 10 lines. Here's an analysis of your poem:

Theme: Self-doubt and existentialism
1. What am I doing here?
2. Am I not just wasting my time?
3. Oh, you would think so, wouldn't you?
4. But then again, aren't you as well?
5. Could we all just be a little crazy?
6. Can I just keep asking these questions?
7. Why don't I answer myself?
8. Oh, and why am I asking you?
9. Why don't you give it a try?

Your poem explores the doubts and uncertainties we face in life, reflecting on the purpose of our actions and the nature of our existence. Each question invites the reader to ponder these existential quandaries.

The poem flows well, and the repetition of questions adds a reflective and introspective tone. It engages the reader by challenging them to consider their own perspectives and encourages self-reflection. Well done!