I desperately need to contact a publishing company for my new book. I am not sure how to go about doing that. And how would my draft get to whatever company? Would I just mail it or..........?

Let me put it this way: does anyone know of a company that can look at my book and consider publication?

I just have no idea how to sort of "make my voice heard", or in this case, my book.



Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help forum. Here are some answers and sits for you:

1. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060713214421AATkLJp

2. http://www.tatepublishing.com/ (printed & audio)

3. http://www.iuniverse.com/ad/ggl/?iusc=ggl2&gclid=CL3Dv5yOjIwCFR1BggodIhrkAw

4. http://www.lulu.com/products/books/paperback.php?gclid=CMb0w7COjIwCFRtzhgodoR_a5g

A suggestion, NEVER give anyone your original copy. Take the original copy and photograph it with the daily newspaper so if you have to you can prove that you wrote it BEFORE any publisher read it. Put that in a safe place, like a safety-box.

I also suggest you get a copy of the 2007 Writer's Market. This is a "bible" for authors because it lists publishers that specialize in specific areas. You might also consider sending a copy of your manuscript to several literary agents to see if they will help you.

Also, in addition to all the good advice above, consider joining a writers critique group and/or a group like the Society for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) -- use SCBWI in the search line)or another writers' group (there are MANY!. Seach for WRITERS ASSOCIATIONS or your particular genre.

To contact a publishing company for your new book, here are some steps you can take:

1. Research potential publishers: Start by researching different publishing companies that specialize in your genre or type of book. Look for publishers that have a track record of publishing books similar to yours.

2. Visit their websites: Go to the publishers' websites and look for information on their submission guidelines. Each company may have different requirements for submitting a book proposal or manuscript.

3. Follow submission guidelines: Pay close attention to the submission guidelines provided by the publisher. They may require a query letter, a book proposal, or a complete manuscript. Make sure to follow these guidelines precisely to increase your chances of being considered.

4. Prepare your book for submission: If the publisher requires a manuscript, make sure your book is polished and edited. Consider getting professional help to ensure your book is in its best form before submitting it.

5. Submit your book: Once you have prepared your book according to the submission guidelines, you can send it to the publisher. Many publishers prefer electronic submissions, so check if they have an online submission portal or if they accept email submissions. Some publishers may still accept physical copies, in which case you would mail your book to their designated address.

Tips for getting your book published:

1. Build your author platform: Publishers often consider an author's platform, which refers to their online presence, followers, and engagement. Start building your platform by creating a website or blog, engaging on social media, and connecting with potential readers.

2. Network with other authors: Joining writers critique groups or writer associations can help you connect with other authors who can provide guidance and support. They may also have valuable insights into the publishing industry or recommend publishers they have worked with.

3. Consider literary agents: If you're struggling to find a publisher or want professional guidance, you can consider hiring a literary agent. Literary agents have connections in the publishing industry and can help you find the right publisher for your book.

Remember, the publishing process can be competitive and time-consuming, so it's important to be patient and persistent.