9. What three events proved that Theodore Roosevelt spoke softly but carried a big stick?

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To answer the question about the three events that proved Theodore Roosevelt's approach of speaking softly but carrying a big stick, you can refer to the provided link to the Wikipedia page on "Big stick diplomacy." This page will provide a comprehensive overview of Roosevelt's foreign policies and major events.

1. The first event that demonstrated Roosevelt's approach was the negotiation and construction of the Panama Canal. The United States supported Panama's independence from Colombia to gain control of the land for the canal. Roosevelt threatened to intervene militarily if necessary, showing his willingness to use force if diplomacy failed.

2. The second event is the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine in 1904. This corollary stated that the United States would intervene in Latin American countries to preserve regional stability and protect American economic interests. This policy showcased America's willingness to use military force to maintain its influence in the Western Hemisphere.

3. The third event was the Great White Fleet's voyage from 1907 to 1909. Roosevelt sent a fleet of sixteen battleships on a worldwide journey to showcase American naval power. The presence of this fleet demonstrated America's military capabilities and its commitment to protect its interests abroad.

By accessing the provided link, you will find more detailed information about each event and their significance in solidifying the perception that Theodore Roosevelt spoke softly but carried a big stick.