we have to conjugate the verbs in () into subjunctive and indicative, are they right? thanks!

6. Soledad hable con su amigo Hugo. Ella acaba de comprar billetes para un concierto fabuloso. Es cierto que Uds (23) (conseguir) billetes ayer para el concierto? Si, al principio mis padres no permitian que yo (24) (ir) a hacer cola la noche anterior, pero por fin (25) (dejar) que yo (26) (levantarse) temprano. Alli me reuni con Alberto y Graciela Y, con quien vas a ir? Ojala que Ricardo (27) (poder) ir conmigo. Te aconsejo que se lo (28) (decir) inmediatamente. Ya sabes que siempre (29) (estar) ocupadisimo. Asi lo hare. Aunque es una lastima que tu no (30) (estar) aqui ese fin de semana porque me gustaria que (31) (ir) tambien. Cuantos billetes tienes? (32) (tener-yo) cuatro. Por que no les ruegas a tus padres para que te (33) (dejar) quedarte en mi case. Vay a hablar con ellos Aunque insisten en que yo (34) (visitar) a mis abuelos.pero veremos. Bueno, tan pront o como (35) (decidir-tu), llamame. Hasta mas tarde.

26-me lavanto

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Something is wrong with the first verb! Soledad habla, habló, etc. unless it's a command and then you need a comma: soledad, hable (usted) or habla (tú).....
23. conseguir, like seguir, has a stem change in 4/6 forms = consiguen = OOPS! This has to be past tense with a different vowel change = consiguieron because I say the word "ayer" = yesterday. Now, is this a question (with upside question mark at the beginning or a statement? If a question = consiguieran/consiguiesen)
24. The main verb is past tense so the Subjunctive must be past also = fuera (fuese, for -se form)
25. (me) dejaron
26. yo me levantara (levantase, for -se vorm)
27. correct
28. Main verb is one of imposition of will requiring the Subjunctive = digas
29. está = referring to Ricardo. You MUST put accent mark where they are required.
30. Main verb one of emotion so Subjunctive required = estés
31. fueras (fueses) = don't forget "tú" is the subject!
32. correct
33. dejen (it seems to me you would profit best by asking for the "rules" for using subjunctive vs. indicative and for the sequence of tense!) (Plus it's casa not case.)
34. Voy, not vay..... visite = Subjunctive again = look at the main verb!
35. decidas (Subjunctive)

Really, ask for those "rules" before you get into deep trouble!

Con quien habla

To determine if the conjugations are correct, we need to understand the rules for conjugating verbs in the subjunctive and indicative moods. Here are the correct conjugations for the given verbs:

1. Soledad hable con su amigo Hugo. (subjunctive)
- The verb "hablar" is conjugated in the present subjunctive for the third-person singular form: hable.

2. Es cierto que Uds. (conseguir) billetes ayer para el concierto? (indicative)
- The verb "conseguir" is conjugated in the preterite indicative for the second-person plural form: consiguieron.

3. ...pero por fin (25) (dejar) que yo (26) (levantarse) temprano. (indicative)
- The verb "dejar" is conjugated in the preterite indicative for the third-person plural form: dejaron.
- The verb "levantarse" is conjugated in the present indicative for the first-person singular form: me levanto.

4. Ojalá que Ricardo (27) (poder) ir conmigo. (subjunctive)
- The verb "poder" is conjugated in the present subjunctive for the third-person singular form: pueda.

5. Te aconsejo que se lo (28) (decir) inmediatamente. (subjunctive)
- The verb "decir" is conjugated in the present subjunctive for the third-person singular form: diga.

6. Ya sabes que siempre (29) (estar) ocupadísimo. (indicative)
- The verb "estar" is conjugated in the present indicative for the third-person singular form: está.

7. ...porque me gustaría que (31) (ir) también. (subjunctive)
- The verb "ir" is conjugated in the present subjunctive for the first-person singular form: vaya.

8. ¿Cuántos billetes tienes? (indicative)
- The verb "tener" is conjugated in the present indicative for the first-person singular form: tengo.

9. Por qué no les ruegas a tus padres para que te (33) (dejar) quedarte en mi casa. (subjunctive)
- The verb "dejar" is conjugated in the present subjunctive for the third-person plural form: dejen.

10. ...insisten en que yo (34) (visitar) a mis abuelos. (subjunctive)
- The verb "visitar" is conjugated in the present subjunctive for the first-person singular form: visite.

11. Bueno, tan pronto como (35) (decidir-tú), llamame. (indicative)
- The verb "decidir" is conjugated in the present indicative for the second-person singular form: decidas.

So, based on the rules for conjugating verbs in the subjunctive and indicative moods, the updated correct conjugations for the given verbs are as follows:
23. consiguieron
24. vaya
25. dejaron
26. me levanto
27. pueda
28. digas
29. está
30. estés
31. vaya
32. tengo
33. dejen
34. visite
35. decidas

Remember to pay attention to verb tense, subject agreement, and accent marks in Spanish conjugations.