I have a question regarding citations. How do I cite an encyclopedia using the CSE style? What information do I include in the bibliography? I can't find it anywhere.

I don't know about encyclopedia, but for a book, I found you can do this:

Mech LD. 1988. The Arctic wolf: living with the pack. Stillwater (MN): Voyageur Press. 128 p.


Here's a link to help you, and below is the whole collection of search results:



To cite an encyclopedia using the CSE (Council of Science Editors) style, you'll need to include several pieces of information in the bibliography. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to cite an encyclopedia entry in CSE style:

1. Start by gathering all the necessary information about the encyclopedia entry you want to cite. This typically includes the author's name, the entry title, the title of the encyclopedia, the edition (if applicable), the year of publication, the volume number (if applicable), the page numbers of the entry, and the URL (if it was accessed online).

2. The basic format for citing an encyclopedia entry in CSE style is as follows:

Author's Last Name First Initial. Title of Encyclopedia Entry. In: Editors' Last Name First Initial, eds. Title of Encyclopedia. Edition (if applicable). Place of Publication: Publisher; Year. [Page numbers]. [URL if applicable]. Access date.

3. Replace the placeholders in the format above with the actual information from your encyclopedia entry. Here's an example citation to demonstrate how it should look:

Smith J. DNA. In: Johnson A, Thompson B, eds. Encyclopedia of Genetics. 2nd ed. New York: ABC Publishers; 2005. p. 123-135.

4. If you accessed the encyclopedia entry online, include the URL and the access date at the end of the citation. Here's an example:

Smith J. DNA. In: Johnson A, Thompson B, eds. Encyclopedia of Genetics. 2nd ed. New York: ABC Publishers; 2005. p. 123-135. Available from: http://www.example.com/encyclopedia/dna-entry.html. Accessed April 1, 2023.

Remember to replace the author's name, entry title, encyclopedia title, edition, place of publication, publisher, year, page numbers, URL, and access date with the specific details from the encyclopedia entry you are citing.

If you need further guidance or examples, I recommend referring to reputable CSE style guides or the official CSE manual. You can also consult your institution's library or writing center for assistance with CSE citations.