2. What four actions besides stealing are forbidden by the seventh commandment?

See my response below.

The seventh commandment in Christianity states, "You shall not commit adultery." This commandment specifically prohibits engaging in any sexual activity outside of marriage.

Apart from stealing and adultery, the seventh commandment also generally encompasses the following actions:

1. Fornication: This refers to engaging in sexual activity before marriage, which is also considered a violation of the commandment.

To understand these concepts, it's important to be familiar with the religious text that contains the commandments. For Christians, the seventh commandment is found in the Bible, specifically in the book of Exodus, chapter 20, verse 14.

2. ography: The consumption, creation, or distribution of explicit sexual material (ography) is also seen as a violation of the seventh commandment. This includes visual images, videos, or any form of media that promotes or indulges in sexual immorality.

3. Lustful thoughts and desires: The seventh commandment also condemns entertaining lustful thoughts and desires, which involve harboring sexual fantasies or objectifying others in one's mind.

4. Adulterous thoughts and intentions: In addition to the act of adultery itself, the seventh commandment also forbids entertaining thoughts or intentions to engage in adulterous behavior. This implies staying faithful in mind and body to one's spouse or committed partner.

To get a comprehensive understanding of the commandments, it's recommended to study religious texts, consult religious leaders, or refer to commentaries written by theologians. This way, one can grasp the deeper meaning and intricacies behind each commandment.