Mrs.Smith's class has 12 girl and 8 boys. What percent of he class are girls?

answered above


I think you may be?

P.S When you say girl you were so post to say girlS with an S

I think you may have the right answer maybe?

P.S When you say girl you were so post to say girlS with an S

eight girls and twelve boys what is the percentage of girls

To calculate the percentage of girls in Mrs. Smith's class, you need to find the ratio of the number of girls to the total number of students in the class.

Step 1: Add the number of girls and boys together to find the total number of students:
12 girls + 8 boys = 20 students

Step 2: Calculate the percentage by dividing the number of girls by the total number of students and then multiplying by 100:
(12 girls / 20 total students) * 100 = 60%

Therefore, the percentage of girls in Mrs. Smith's class is 60%.