In a reply to "Milkayelle-5/2/07"

I'm pretty sure you meant to type "world" and not "word" in the translation.

Is "soy especialista de ninos con sordesa" ??= I am a hearing specialist or
I am a specialist who works with the deaf or hearing impaired.

Thanks in advance

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum and for correcting "word" to "world!" I did correct it and gave you credit! Mil gracias.

"I'm a specialist of children with deafness, IF that is "sordera" raather than sordesa? Other spellings for deafness are" sordedad (obsolete) or sordez.

To confirm the correct translation of "soy especialista de ninos con sordesa," we can break down the phrase:

1. "Soy" means "I am" in English.
2. "Especialista" means "specialist" in English.
3. "De" means "of" in English.
4. "Ninos" means "children" in English.
5. "Con" means "with" in English.
6. "Sordesa" refers to "deafness" in Spanish.

Putting it all together, "soy especialista de ninos con sordesa" translates to "I am a specialist of children with deafness."

However, you mentioned that it might be a typo and it should be "sordera" instead of "sordesa." If that's the case, the corrected translation would be "I am a specialist of children with deafness" as well.

To verify translations or correct possible typos, it's always a good idea to consult dictionaries, reliable translation websites, or native speakers.