For my homework I am suppose to create a line-item, functional, and total program budget for a human services organization. I was just wondering if anyone knows of any good websites that might show examples or something. Thanks

no but i might be of assistance to you. U could probably do a project on the education 4 kids under the age of 10 and try to get a new type of strategic way to get kids to do their homework. like play a game to get them interested (something not already made)!!! p.s. like play a kid version of school set like an electronic device.

It sounds like you are working on creating a budget for a human services organization, and you are looking for examples or websites that might help you with that. While I appreciate your suggestion for a different project idea, let me assist you by providing some guidance to create your program budget.

To create a line-item, functional, and total program budget for a human services organization, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the revenue sources: Determine where the funding for your organization and program will come from. This could include government grants, private donations, fundraising events, or any other sources.

2. Outline your program components: Break down your program into its various components or activities. For example, if your organization provides educational support for children, you might have categories such as classroom materials, teacher salaries, administrative expenses, and program development.

3. Estimate costs: Determine the cost associated with each component or activity. Research the pricing of resources needed, such as salaries, supplies, rent, utilities, and any other factors specific to your program. It might be helpful to gather quotes or estimates from suppliers or service providers.

4. Create a line-item budget: Using a spreadsheet or budgeting software, list all your program components individually and allocate the estimated cost for each. This will give you a detailed breakdown of expenses.

5. Ensure functional alignment: Make sure that your budget aligns with the goals and objectives of your program. Each cost should be necessary and contribute directly to the delivery of your program's services.

6. Summarize total budget: Consolidate all the line-item costs into a summary budget. This will give you an overall view of your program's financial needs.

When it comes to finding examples or templates, here are a few suggestions:

1. Nonprofit organizations: Many nonprofit organizations, especially those working in human services, publish their annual reports, which often include program budgets. You can search for organizations similar to yours and look for their financial reports on their websites.

2. Government websites: Government agencies or departments that fund human services programs may provide budgeting guidance or examples on their websites. Check the websites of the relevant government bodies for resources.

3. Nonprofit resource websites: Websites such as Nonprofit Finance Fund, Foundation Center, or National Council of Nonprofits might offer templates, guides, or examples of program budgets that can provide you with a starting point.

Remember to adapt any examples you find to fit the specific needs and goals of your organization and program. Good luck with your homework, and feel free to ask any specific questions you have along the way!