Was Hitler one of the reasons why World War II began?


Yes, because he threatened world peace as a dictator when he and Germany showed agression against other countries; shortly after, WWII began.
P.S.- same thing in Italy with Benito Mussolini.

hope I helped,

wow 2007

it's 2018

Yes, Hitler was one of the reasons why World War II began. He played a significant role in starting the war through his aggressive actions as the dictator of Germany. Hitler and Germany showed aggression towards other countries, such as the invasion of Poland in 1939, which violated international peace agreements and triggered the beginning of World War II in Europe.

To find more information on the causes of World War II, you can refer to the Wikipedia page on World War II. This page provides a detailed account of the various factors that led to the war, including Hitler's actions and Germany's aggression.

Oof, I was one month old. :')