I have an assignment that wants me to describe the topographical factors that intensify the air pollution. What does it mean by topographical mean? I thought it was a type of map? Please help me :)

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Are you kidding me? what is that?

You know I have to say this just because I think someone deserves to know. I posted this question at 11:37pm. I understand that it takes a while to answer everyone's questions. But, most of the time I get answers that do not make any sense or I never see an answer. I posted on another site the same questions and in a mater of moments someone answered my question. I have used this site many times for about a year now. i used to be able to post something and soon enough I would get a response from a teacher or at least someone from Jishka.


I apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced. I understand that you have a specific question regarding the term "topographical" and its meaning in the context of your assignment.

The term "topographical" refers to the physical features or characteristics of a particular area or region. It is related to the shape and arrangement of the land, including its elevation, slope, and relief. In the context of your assignment on air pollution, topographical factors refer to the geographical features of an area that can influence the intensity or concentration of air pollutants.

To describe the topographical factors that intensify air pollution, you would need to consider how the physical characteristics of a particular location contribute to the accumulation or dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere. For example, valleys or basins with enclosed or restricted airflow can create stagnant conditions, trapping pollutants and leading to higher pollution levels. On the other hand, mountainous regions or elevated areas may experience inversions, where a layer of warm air traps cooler air along with pollutants closer to the ground.

To answer your second question about finding the meaning of "topographical," you can use search engines like Google to look up definitions. The link you provided is a Google search query that defines the term "topographic." By clicking on the link, you will be directed to a webpage that provides a definition for the term.

I hope this explanation clarifies the meaning of "topographical" and helps you better understand how to approach your assignment. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.