what is the difference between Vietcong and Vietnamese?


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I still don't get it.

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Main Entry: Viet·cong
Pronunciation: vE-'et-'kä[ng], vyet-, "vE-&t-, vEt-, -'ko[ng]
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural Vietcong
Etymology: Vietnamese Viêt-cong
Date: 1957
: a guerrilla member of the Vietnamese Communist movement

Main Entry: Viet·nam·ese
Pronunciation: vE-"et-n&-'mEz, "vyet-, "vE-&t-, "vEt-, -na-, -nä-, -'mEs
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural Vietnamese
Date: 1947
1 : a native or inhabitant of Vietnam
2 : the language of the largest group in Vietnam and the official language of the country
- Vietnamese adjective

Now what is the difference? One is a guerrilla and the other simply an inhabitant!

do you know the Chesapeake Bay divides much of what state

do you know the Chesapeake Bay divides much of what state

The Chesapeake Bay divides much of the state of Maryland.

To find the answer, you can use various methods. One option is to search using a search engine such as Google. You can type in the question "What state does the Chesapeake Bay divide?" and you should see the answer in the search results. Another option is to consult a reliable source, such as an atlas or a geography book, which will have information on the geography of states and bodies of water.