Do you mean Raisin in the Sun? (no "dry" in it)

b cuz that's what I'm reading now and I have Langston Hughes poem Dream Deferred

i can help you

I am writing an essay on Raisin in the dry sun I have to write about a major theme in the book, and I have chosen dreams deferred. Can someone please help me get started? Thank you

This site will give you some ideas on the theme of dreams in this play.

Suggestion... using one of the lines from the Dream Deferred poem would be an interesting beginning for the essay.

Yes, you are correct. The play you are referring to is titled "A Raisin in the Sun" by Lorraine Hansberry. It is not "Raisin in the Dry Sun." It is a common misconception.

To get started on your essay about the major theme of dreams deferred in the play, I would suggest first familiarizing yourself with the play itself. This will help you understand the context and various instances where dreams are deferred for the characters in the story. Reading the play thoroughly will provide you with specific examples and insights into the theme.

Once you have a good understanding of the play, you can then explore different literary analysis resources such as SparkNotes. The link you provided ( is a helpful resource that provides insights into various themes in "A Raisin in the Sun," including dreams and their deferral.

Take your time to carefully read through the analysis and gather ideas. Note down any examples or quotes that resonate with you or support your chosen theme of dreams deferred. Also, consider incorporating lines from Langston Hughes' poem "Dream Deferred" into your essay as it offers relevant and thought-provoking connections to the play's theme.

Once you have gathered the necessary information and ideas, you can begin structuring your essay. Start with an engaging introduction that introduces the play, establishes the theme of dreams deferred, and possibly incorporates a line from Hughes' poem.

In the body paragraphs, use examples from the play to support your analysis and explore how the characters' dreams are deferred in different ways. Discuss the impact of these deferred dreams on the characters' lives and their overall aspirations.

Lastly, conclude your essay by summarizing your main points and emphasizing the significance of the theme of dreams deferred in "A Raisin in the Sun."

Remember to cite any sources you use, such as the play itself, literary analysis resources, or quotes from Langston Hughes' poem, following the appropriate citation style required by your instructor or institution.

Good luck with your essay!