Hi. I got some confusing info in regards to #23

23. When legal issues have arisen out of foreign policy disputes between the President and Congress, the Supreme Court has generally _________.
A. favored Congress
B. favored the President
C. refused to intervene
D. interpreted the Constitution quite literally

Is it B or D. I tend to go for B Help

36. Which of the following is NOT true of foreign aid
A. It can consist of military equipment
B. Most foreign aid money must be used to buy foreign goods and services
C. It is most frequently offered to countries that are most critical to the realization of this country's foreign policy
D. It has been used to foster major policies, such as containment.

It's B, right?

I would definitely go with B on #36.

On this#23 on I tend to agree with Bobpursley's answer of support the president. Did you check that site he gave you?

Thanks. I did so I'll rely on Bob.


For question #23, "When legal issues have arisen out of foreign policy disputes between the President and Congress, the Supreme Court has generally _________," the options are A. favored Congress, B. favored the President, C. refused to intervene, and D. interpreted the Constitution quite literally. To determine the correct answer, one approach is to analyze the relationship between these three branches of the U.S. government and their powers.

In situations where legal issues arise from foreign policy disputes between the President and Congress, the Supreme Court acts as the ultimate arbiter. They have the responsibility to interpret the Constitution and determine the legality and constitutionality of actions taken by the President and Congress.

To find the answer, you can consider the general principles guiding the Supreme Court's decisions in these matters. When it comes to questions involving the separation of powers between the branches of government, the Supreme Court often aims to maintain a system of checks and balances.

In many cases, the Supreme Court strives to avoid intervening in political disputes between the President and Congress and to let the political branches resolve their differences through the democratic process. This suggests that option C, "refused to intervene," may be the most likely answer.

However, it is important to note that the Supreme Court does not always adhere to a single approach in all cases, and there can be exceptions or variations in their decisions. It may be helpful to review specific cases or legal precedents related to foreign policy disputes to get a more comprehensive understanding.

Regarding question #36, "Which of the following is NOT true of foreign aid?" with options A. It can consist of military equipment, B. Most foreign aid money must be used to buy foreign goods and services, C. It is most frequently offered to countries that are most critical to the realization of this country's foreign policy, and D. It has been used to foster major policies, such as containment.

The correct answer is option B. Most foreign aid money does not have to be used to buy foreign goods and services. While some foreign aid programs may have specific conditions or requirements on how the aid is to be used, such as providing assistance in purchasing specific goods or services, this statement does not apply to all foreign aid programs.

It is important to carefully read each option and assess its accuracy based on your prior knowledge and understanding of foreign aid programs. By evaluating each option and considering the general principles and objectives of foreign aid, you can determine that option B is the correct answer.