I tested baking soda with Litmus paper and it appeared to be basic, I just want to know if I interpreted the experiment correctly.

Thanks in advance

Baking soda is a base

To interpret the experiment correctly, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by understanding the principles of Litmus paper. Litmus paper is a pH indicator that changes color in acidic or basic solutions. It typically turns red in acidic solutions and blue in basic solutions.

2. Make sure you used Litmus paper correctly. Take a piece of Litmus paper and briefly dip it into the solution you want to test, in this case, baking soda.

3. Observe and compare the color change. If the Litmus paper turned blue or purple, that indicates the solution is basic. If it remained red, then the solution is acidic.

4. Consider the result. Based on the color change you observed during the experiment, if the Litmus paper turned blue or purple after coming into contact with baking soda, you can conclude that baking soda is basic.

Therefore, if the Litmus paper turned blue, you interpreted the experiment correctly, and your conclusion that baking soda is basic is accurate.